"The Lady In Red"

For the last three years I've tried to post the following short story.
It's a Fall story and a Halloween story. Originally appearing on
the Google Group "Spanking Blog," in 2005, this one just screamed revision. I'm not even going to tell you how many times I've returned to this story, changing character names, and scenes; one year, the entire story was re-written, only to get erased, with the mindless click of a button...(blogger novice, strikes again!)...
...Well. This year, the third(!), I'm not taking any risks. The story, as written the first time, (With very limited revision) shall finally see "Publish Post"

The Lady In Red **

"Imitations produce pain or pleasure,
not because they are mistaken for realities,
but because they bring realities to mind."
~~Dr. Johnson, in his, "Preface to Shakespeare."~~


She told me, long afterward:

Long after the party, (and, all of what had occurred at the party) that it was "all Cindy's idea"---[the idea, being, to leave her buttocks, unpainted.]

Cindy, as they envisioned the body-paint, mentioned the movie, "GOLDFINGER.":

"Remember, The Bond Girl who gets killed at the beginning of the movie?..She dies because they paint her entire body GOLD. She couldn't breathe, her body couldn't breathe and her skin couldn't breathe... so she died.

"If you're going to do this April, you better leave an area of your body unpainted."


That's how it began. I know April just wanted to be the center of attention...(get the hoots, for BEST COSTUME)..I knew that.

However, it was April, (in a fit of uninhibited glee) who'd suggested the costume "idea" to Cindy. All it took was a shopping spree to Home Depot and an afternoon's planning. Cindy, knowing what April was about to embark upon, agreed to do the paint-job.
[Yep, even I would say, it was quite a good paint-job. Quite, quite, indeed.]


My love, my

...She was head to foot, RED PAINT (except for her two, bubble-butt, ass-cheeks.) Stark naked, beneath a London Fog raincoat; her bare bottom, pale and white.


I was running late at work so I told April I'd meet her at Glenn's House. All afternoon Cindy and April had been preparing this extraordinary costume.

Cindy brought over the "CRIMSON RED," Paint, and the rollers. April, wearing a terry-cloth robe, met her at the front door. They went into the garage, where April had laid down upon a large drop-cloth. April took off the Robe, and laid down on her back. Cindy rolled the Red paint, along the length of her body. She touched-up her face with Red paint also. Her eyelids were dabbed with sparkles.

My Girlfriend was now "The Lady In Red":

Thinking about the prize money, and, her inventiveness..("My pussy was sopping, just thinking about you seeing me so exposed," she admitted, later)...Beautiful, but NUDE...Completely Nude! April had shaved herself; her pussy was bare, as the rest of her. She'd put on a pair of white F.M. pumps and a long, dark, London Fog raincoat. At 8 p.m., she'd meet me at Glenn's house; arrived at the Halloween party of the year.


"Hey Sweetie, I'm all ready for Halloween!," she said, "Let's go. I need a drink".

Hustled into the house, I didn't have time to think about a thing; and, didn't get any kind of heads-up from Cindy~~Cindy, was already inside, bobbing to the music, and shimmying her ass to a mix-tape, booming from the speakers, like a new drug.

I looked into her RED face, and wanted to say.."HOLD UP, a MINUTE"..but, everything was happening too fast; too quickly, to respond.

I was dressed as a Forest Ranger..Ranger RICK! Don't know where I'd gotten the Idea from, (but, my brother, who's a Forest Ranger had the
uniform, and....Well, that explains me.)

My Girlfriend, April,.. was, April..(What can I say??...


...It all happened so quickly.)

April rang the doorbell.

Glenn's wife answered the door.

Together, we stepped into the brightly lit hallway. April took off her raincoat, and handed it to
Glenn's wife. She walked away from both of us, April did; and, with a twitching of her backside,on into the sunken living room~~headed for the bar.

"That's quite a COSTUME," Glenn's wife said.

I was about to reply something, anything,...

...but, she interrupted me, "Ya, know..there's an off-duty Policeman at the Party tonight. He's a good friend of ours. Officer Crutchins is,... how shall I say this,...by THE BOOK. You better get his ear
Rick, or your very cute Girlfriend's going to find her cute butt in jail."

Cindy saw April now. She ran over to her, and April turned herself about, showing Cindy the results of her handiwork. Cindy, was all "ohhh's" and "ahhs,"of course.

Cindy knew April had gone kind of far with this,and, in a way, was looking too see April taken down a peg; there was just too much glee in Cindy's eyes.From across the room, where I was standing, it seemed as strange, and unexpected, and naughty, as anything April had ever done~~at least, while in public.

(After all, this wasn't "THE EROTIC/EXOTIC BALL, in SAN FRANCISCO", we were attending.):

This was suburbia, Long Island~~{Christ, she wasn't even up for a cash prize, as she, mistakenly, thought!} It was just a well-attended, neighborhood Party; attended, it seems, even, by a Policemen~~(in Uniform...costume?..unbelievable!)

I had to make this right.
Ranger Rick..To the Rescue!


"Where's the cop?," I asked Glenn's wife.

"He's in the kitchen, now..thank God.."

"Okay..Thanks, Eve,..sorry 'bout this, I'll take care of it."

"Don't worry, Rick..It's okay..I'm sure it'll be just fine. You'll think of something to tame that beautiful bottom."

With those words, chiming in my ears, I made my
way to the kitchen. The living room passed me, in a blur. I could see April walking through the living room, saying hello to the other costumed guests. They diverted their gaze, looking into her eyes. Her body was gleaming Red, off-set by those white FM pumps on her feet; her pert breasts were a picture of devilish perkiness, both nipples raised;her body was completely on-view; her flesh tone, only enhanced by the paint. The over-all effect was sexy, exciting, and shameless..all at once.

April, I knew was being naughty, but she was beautiful, nonetheless. Her friends (Cindy & Myself..even Glenn & Eve), could take this, and have fun with it. [Shocking, but cool..all the same.]

It was that off-duty Policeman I had to appease in some way. I had to do something, but what?...What?.....


She was RED..Completely red, except for her bottom; her bare-bottom.

(Wait a minute..Glenn's wife..what did she say:

"You'll think of something to TAME THAT BEAUTIFUL BOTTOM."

...Of course, I thought to myself, as I neared the kitchen,The Cop would go for this..It's Halloween!....She deserves it, and it's all in fun.

The LADY IN RED is going to be ALL RED when I get through with her; right here, in front of everybody : Snow White; Spiderman; The Werewolf; Jack Sprat & the Baker's Wife; Little Red Riding Hood; George Bush; Condi Rice; Igor; and, all the others who dressed in clothes...

...except April. Beautiful April.


The Cop, was standing near the fridge, sipping an ice-cold Bass Ale. He looked like a Cop, because, he was dressed like one (and, even if he were not in uniform, he'd still look like a Cop.)

I walked right up to him. All I wanted to do at this point, was keep him out of the living room.

"Nice Costume," I said.


"Rick,..Rick Graves. Tonight, I'm Ranger Rick, as you can see."

"Great Rick..Good to meet ya."

[He shook my hand. I don't know, maybe he could see something in my eyes that said I needed something from him..a favor..something. His eyes were on me, and the kitchen entrance at the same time. He could read me, a mile away...my face said, "I need to tell you something...I,..."]

"You can call ME, Officer Crutchins," he said.

This wasn't going to be as easy as I thought; not by a long stretch.

"Officer Crutchins, I need to talk to you..that is, before you make your way back into the living room."

"Okay,...Shoot, Ranger Rick."

Well, Here goes, I thought to myself..just tell him, and give him your plan. The PLAN, yes..the PLAN.


Turns out, Officer Crutchins was very open to my idea/PLAN. He didn't want to do the paperwork, see the judge, or any of it. His quota was filled for the month of OCTOBER, and the job was not going
ride on one NAKED LADY, having fun on Halloween.

So, as they say on Broadway, On WITH THE SHOW!

"Let's wait till they're bobbing for apples. I think that would be the best time," Officer Crutchins said.

"Okay, sounds good," I replied.

Together, we went into the living room. I got myself a Bass Ale (England's Best..so good!) and, with Officer Crutchins , in tow, we went right up to April. She was seated on the sofa, both legs crossed, demurely, and looking up at us.

"April, I'd like you to meet Officer Crutchins.."

"Am I being arrested for indecent exposure?"

"Oh, no..never, my dear. It is shocking..just a
bit.. But, it's Halloween..The naughty can be acceptable, sometimes."

Officer Crutchins held out his hand, and lifted her from the sofa. She went with him, holding onto his firm shoulder blades, and leaning into his arms, as they began to dance. I stood off to the side, with Glenn's wife, watching them dance.

I kept my eyes on April's bare bottom, her bare ass, so white and gleaming; as if oiled, in stark contrast to the rest of her. She was red..the color red..dancing. I could pick out the parts of her; her breasts, round and firm, pressing against Officer Crutchins chest, as they swayed together. Her pussy, shaved close, bare, and red..everything highlighted..everything out there.

Yes, she was being completely naughty, so bad..but so good. Everyone could see, (she didn't care. All eyes were watching, (the Women and the Men) as April danced with Officer Crutchins;...Crutchins, massaging, both of her buttocks with big hands;... his badge, brushing against her nipples.



...they also knew:


"Well, Rick," Glenn's Wife said to me, "Did you solve the problem?"

"I think so.."

"Great..We all look forward to seeing the TREAT..coming out of this TRICK. She deserves it, you know."

"Yes..I know," I replied, knowing that Glenn's wife was looking forward to seeing the END results.

Glenn came up to me then, shook my hand,

"Quite a girl, you've got there..real pretty Rick..but, maybe a little too exposed..for Halloween, aye?."

"Yes..We'll see what happens next."

"Well, Got to get the apple-bobbing contest underway..see ya later chum. Hey, no problem, with your Girl's costume..Kind of like
it..real cool,..the LADY IN RED..literally."

Officer Crutchins was right
Because the contestant was blindfolded, the Apple-bobbing Contest was best.

"Hey April," I said, "You should definitely go for the apple bobbing contest.. Those red apples, in the bucket..bending over, and trying to grab them with your mouth..God, that would be HOT!"

Of course, she went for it. She'd be the first to try.

The bucket was set up, in the middle of the room, with everyone standing around it.

April called out, "ME FIRST. I WANT TO GO FIRST..OKAY?".

We all, let out, with a burst of applause... She would DEFINITELY..GO FIRST!!

Someone handed me a black blindfold. April stood in front of me, with her two hands behind her back..clasped together. I placed the blindfold over her eyes.

She couldn't see a thing. Couldn't see herself; her nudity. Her
openness, was no longer there for her..it was gone, unconscious. She
was smiling, anticipating, and ready to kneel before the big bucket of
red apples. She kept her hands, behind her back, and I guided her to
the bucket. She kneeled down, and put her face into the bucket. I stood
back, standing next to Officer Crutchins, knowing that I had to go
through with this..or he'd have to throw the BOOK at HER.

"Are you ready, Rick? Wait till she gets an apple in her mouth. I'll take her in if you don't follow through, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know that. A deals a deal. She deserves it, I guess. You have to admit though, it's a great costume.."


With that, April bent over the bucket and lifted her ass up in the air. We could see everything she owned; her asshole was visible to all assembled, gathered 'round the bucket. She put her head into the bucket, and shook it there. We watched, as her bottom was up-ended, and her two breasts were swaying side to side; grabbing and biting, and chewing...going for those apples..apples..GOT

..She GOT ONE in her MOUTH.

Now's the time.

Before she could drop the apple from her mouth, I walked up to her, and
grabbed her by the arm. Officer Crutchins, removed the bucket from the center of the room, and I took April over to the sofa, holding her by the earlobe now.

She kept the apple in her mouth, and it wasn't more than a matter of seconds I had her over my knee, and was spanking both her bare, white, cheeks.

With the first whack, the apple fell from her mouth, and rolled across the living room floor. She kicked both legs~~the white pumps, shaking, and falling to the carpet..both, bare feet, wiggling. April, was crying out with each swift crack of my palm upon her bottom. Those cheeks were going pink, now, blending in with her crimson spine and legs..her naughty backside jiggled, centerstage; the crack, cleaving, exposing her puckering, pink anus, like a rabbit's twitching nose...lifting up her ass, getting redder and redder.

I concentrated upon one buttock and then, the other, in a right, left spank. My hand clasped her 'round the waist.

"Oh, RICK..Ohhh,,awwhhowwh! Stop..oh.."

.... as Glenn's wife turned up the Booty-shaking music..and I whaled away, doing a tom-tom on April's bare fanny.

"Guess you missed a spot, April. Happy Halloween."

Officer Crutchin's stood off to the side, watching with glee, along
with everyone else. It felt good, spanking her--(have to admit it.) She
shook like a leaf in the October breeze; a fallen woman, given place.
Getting a comeuppance. There was something sweet about this spanking. It was public, and out there, for all to see...but I knew that, after this night, it wouldn't go any further. I could count on Glenn & his
wife, for that. Everyone got a big kick out of the show; especially,
the Women attending the party.

April grabbed the blindfold, as she cried
out, and pulled it from her face:

"Rick!!...OhhhhawwwwwHHoohhh..stop,ohhhTHAT..ohhh..,"as I continued to spank her.

I held on fast.

She began to shudder, cry; tears flowing.

I picked up the blindfold she'd dropped, and as the assembled party guests began to clap...I whipped her bare, CRIMSON bottom, with the blindfold.

Officer Crutchins, was calling out the number, along with everyone

Glenn's Wife,put on another CD.. began playing, Michael Jackson's "BEAT IT".

This was Halloween after all. Cindy watched, gleeful. She thought April
looked cute as ever with a red bottom...

[My Lady in Red. The guys all go
crazy for the LADY IN RED]...

KID, again and again and again.


"I deserved it, I guess,.." She told
me, later, on the Day of the Dead.

We lived through this. We were
alive. Our friends loved us. They wouldn't talk, or tell tales. She is with
me STILL, my love,...


DEAD[NOVEMBER 1st], 2005/[revision:October 31, 2008]

I will...

...be posting a Halloween Story
next week. After that, peeps, it's farewell & glad tidings
for 2009.

Love you,
Just Another Guy/SinfullyAnon/

~x~Just another guy.